Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Donna's Glorious Giveaways: back at last!


Hello my dear readers,

My god - how good it feels to be back with you! Did you miss me? Seriously, though, I am so thankful to be back - safe and alive - after the intrusion at my house in September. The good thing about that harrowing experience (besides being lucky enough not to actually encounter the intruders) is that it has given me new appreciation for life, loved ones and my DGG/Blogger family.

So what have I been up to all this time, you might ask? Well, for the first month or so I spent the entire day at my mom's house because I was too on-edge to stay at home alone. Right after my husband Rick left for work I'd get the kids off to school and then go to Mom's house. Then I'd pick the kids up from school and take them back to Mom's till Rick called to say he was home. It was an ordeal, but at least my mom and I got a lot of quality time out of it, especially after she'd been so sick for most of the year.

Then I had to prepare for Halloween, pretty much at the last minute given all of the time spent dealing with the police report, insurance claim and shopping around for a security system. It was tough but I had to get it done, if not to cheer the kids up then at least to serve as a distraction for myself. Halloween really was extra special for us this year.

Since then we had 3 birthday parties in the family (my son Dominic and two of his cousins) but most of the time since November has been spent reading through security brochures, doing security inspections on the house, making structural and other changes based on the recommendations of those inspections and trying to learn the ins-and-outs of the system which we finally selected. I can't tell you how many times I've tripped the alarm by mistake!

All of that trouble's been worth it, though. I finally feel safe enough in my own house to stay there alone while Rick and the kids are at work and school. Not wanting to go back to just calling my mom, however, I've decided to visit twice a week. I still call every day, though.

Ok, let's get down to some DGG business. You may remember that we were supposed to have our second Peer Promos post in mid-September. Even though I'm sure you understand why it did not materialize, I feel obliged to keep my word and therefore, after all of the holiday madness, I'll make sure to promote offers from those same subscribers who would have won a promo placing back in September... I think that's fair. Then the slate will be wiped clean and it'll be an open field again from Feb.

As for our Member Rewards, in the spirit of the holiday season and my new-found enlightenment, I think it's only fitting that DGG doubles the rewards this month. Only instead of just doubling the prize value, I've decided that the best way to show my appreciation for you guys is to double the number of prizes awarded... that means twice as many winners! I ran it past my sponsor Kevin (from Casey's Bargain Basement) and he agreed without hesitation. Cool, huh?

What's more, I'm actually going to pay him back the extra prize money, just to legitimize it as a true gift to you all, my wonderful followers and subscribers. Just please be patient as both Kevin and I get through our hectic holiday schedules.

Another item from Sep's to-do list is Flash Bonuses. That's coming in January.

Oh, boy... what a fabulous year we have ahead of us! Thanks for sticking with me through this difficult time and if you keep having my back, I promise to make your DGG experience and membership both thrilling and fulfilling.

I really do love you guys!


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