Member Rewards Program from Donna's Glorious Giveaways

- Earned for:
  • New DGG registrations (subscribing, following) - 20 points each
  • Promoting DGG (liking, sharing, endorsing, retweeting) - 12 points each
  • Commenting on DGG posts - 15 points each
  • General interactions with DGG (replying, answering surveys) - 8 points each
  • Guest-blogger bookings - 5 points each
  • Peer Promos bookings - 5 points each
  • Proof-reading bookings - 30 points each
  • Positive or negative testimonials for DGG's Proof-Reading Service (in textual/audio format) - 15 points each
  • Positive or negative testimonials for DGG's Proof-Reading Service (in "face-to-cam" video format) - 25 points each
  • DGG Apparel orders - 40 points each
  • #HealAmerica merchandise orders - 50 points each

- Program open to registered DGG members only

  1. Top Promoter Award: Given to persons credited with the most 'likes', shares, endorsements, retweets or e-mail forwards over the past 2 months (at least 2 promotion credits required).

    In case of a tie, all winners shall be awarded a prize.

    Prize: 1 wild card entry each into the next Recruitment Cash Draw and into the next $5 Prize Press Participant Giveaway (for DGG social followers).

    If any winner is a Prize Press subscriber, he/she shall be awarded 5 bonus entries to that giveaway in addition to the Recruitment Cash Draw entry.

  2. Top Participant Award: Given to the person with the most new Member Rewards points accumulated over the past 2 months (at least 10 points required). Up to 3 prizes to be won.

    If there are more than 3 winners, 3 shall be drawn at random. The remaining winners shall each be awarded 45 Member Rewards points towards their tally over the next 2 months.

    Thereafter, undrawn top award earners shall receive 90, 135, 180, etc. bonus points each successive 2-month period until all of the original earners have been awarded their prize.

    Prize: $5 cash/gift card

  3. Word of the Week (WOW) Bonus: For each giveaway listing, an arbitrary word from the current blog post/video shall be selected as that edition's "WOW" word.

    This WOW word will be publicized on all DGG channels, at which time readers/viewers will be encouraged to comment on the original post (or to reply to the original newsletter e-mail) with the phrase, "{WOW word}, WOW!".

    For example, for WOW word "sun" the correct comment/reply would be "Sun, WOW!". Character case and punctuation are not important - only spelling matters.

    The first 3 correctly posted comments or e-mail replies of this type shall earn their authors 15 bonus points each.

  4. Surprise Flash Bonus Quizzes (based on DGG trivia).

    These quizzes will be posted/e-mailed to DGG followers on random Tuesdays, with the prize ranging from 5 to 15 bonus points, depending on the quiz's difficulty. The prize shall be awarded to the first 3 correct respondents.

  5. Surprise Flash Bonus Rewards for the completion of simple tasks.

    These contests will be posted/e-mailed to DGG followers on random Tuesdays. The prize is 15 bonus points, awarded to the first 5 finishers.

  6. Free Blog/Giveaway Promotion: Automatic selection for a future Peer Promos edition (must have accumulated at least 15 new points over the past 2 months).

  7. DMC Press e-Book Discounts: 10% discount on a DMC Press e-book of your choice with each DGG Apparel order.

    Discount may also be earned by accumulating at least 45 new points over the past 6 months.

  8. Free DGG Merchandise: FREE DGG tee, cap, tote or phone case upon accumulating at least 50 new Member Rewards points in any 8-week period.

  9. "Cash for Points" Giveaway: During the last 7 days before Thanksgiving and the last 7 days before Xmas, DGG members who have accumulated at least 125 new points over the 8 preceding weeks shall qualify for a special draw.

    The winner of this draw shall receive cash = 20% of the # of points that he/she has earned over the relevant period, to the nearest $ (5 points = $1).

  10. Member of the Year Award: After the first week of Jan, members with the highest point tally over the past calendar year shall qualify for a $10 cash draw, automatic VIP status and a special Member of the Year tee/cap (minimum of 130 points required).

  11. Winners' Circle inclusion for all prize winners.

N.B. Prizes are not mutually-exclusive, i.e. 1 person may qualify for multiple prizes within the same Member Rewards period.

Comments? Suggestions? We invite your feedback below, plus it's a great way to get your Member Rewards tally going!

There are also several benefits to be derived from your DGG membership, as described here.

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